Tuesday, September 23, 2008

The Church of 2018

I am sitting here in class on a Tuesday night and Gary Johnson just mentioned this article. I looked it up and read it and brought it here. The article details the 10 trends that the church will follow by 2018. Is the Church prepared? What of these are good things? Which of these will fade?

The article is located at http://www.rev.org/article.asp?ID=2820.

The 10 differences are:
  • Fewer mega-campuses, more mega ministries - You don't see a 200 seat Starbucks because it is not what people want.
  • Diminishing Christian Orientation - 70% of Christians go to church 2 Sundays a month.
  • Movement towards being simple - Specific focus on mission; We are going to do a few things well.
  • Discipleship will be happening through service -Particularly when those things are enriched Biblically.
  • House churches will continue to morph -Increase in number as people look for simplicity of faith in a complex society.
  • Growing ethnic diversity will be present - "...require new ways to share diverse cultural values and understand Christianity in a much different light."
  • Training will happen in a decentralized way - Hey I started a blog for that reason.
  • Mergers and transfers of physical assets will happen - Denominations especially will sell their stuff.
  • Family Ministry will be emphasized - Yes!!!
  • America will not be the Christian Center anymore - They will hit a Spiritual "Tipping Point."


g13 said...

random responses:

i don't know that there is a direct correlation between decreased sunday church attendance and a decrease in christian identity. i'm running into a lot of a-institutional christians these days.

yeah for mergers! i've long said that it is highly inefficient for the christian church to have so many small bible colleges. some of those little fish like st. louis christian college can be swallowed by schools like lincoln. i think the resulting resource reallocation would be beneficial for the church as a whole.

i think the locus of the church has already moved south of the equator. if you look at american born denominations such as the assemblies of God only 15% of their adherents live in america and a huge proportion live in countries like brazil.

thanks for sharing the blog.

Unknown said...

Hello, roomie -

I would venture out to say that #1 is incorrect. I look for this whole "emerging, house-church, everyone come out of the closet like Gay Boltz and sit in a circle" to fade away like ska music. I see the "mega-church" thriving again as this is the setting most are comfortable with.

At least I sure hope that is the case. I don't see a whole lot of God in this movement you speak of.

Regardless, how are you? Long time no chat - drop me a note sometime.


g13 said...

a christianity most are comfortable with.

that's compelling.